Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie




List of gsan yigs

[Update September 2014: Our data is now available via as part of the newly introduced lineage transmission dataset on which general information is provided in two posts on the TBRC blog by Michael Sheehy: The Lineage Transmission Knowledge Model and TBRC Lineage Transmission Research: The Backstory. Lineage data for A mes zhabs may be retrieved by selecting the "Associated Lineages" tab in the corresponding TBRC P record (P791).]

The present database takes its input from the following gsan yigs, all compiled by A mes zhabs and found incorporated in vol. kha of his collected writings (gsung 'bum). It should be noted that the hyperlinks provided below show the bibliographical records for the text as found in the modern typeset edition of the gsung 'bum published by the Sa skya rgyal yongs gsung rab slob gnyer khang (Kathmandu, 2000), which is not available for purchase outside the tradition. All page references in this database are to the manuscript version of A mes zhabs's collected writings, a copy of which was obtained by the Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation Project in the 1990s. See J.-U. SOBISCH (2007) for a catalogue of the latter set.

Bibliographical references